Age: Maydaan Cup is open to all competitors aged 13 and above.
Bow Specifications: To be competitive, archers must shoot a traditional bow without an arrow rest, cut outs, sights, markings etc.
Arrow Specifications: Matching set of carbon arrows with feathers. No plastic vanes.
While not a requirement, participants are highly encouraged to wear traditional clothing on the day.

- Competitors shoot at a target face with 9 dots
- Kepazekesh level shooters*: Shoot three arrows at three of the 22mm dot. All arrows inside the dot and/or touching an arrow inside the dot and/or cutting the line count as 1 point
- Torbakesh and Putakesh level shooters*: Shoot one arrow at each 16mm dot. All arrows inside the dot and/or cutting the line count as 1 point In the event of a tie, a shoot off will take place.
*For non-Maydaan members, levels will be determined by level of experience as a shooter. Kepazekesh level = archer for less than a year. Torbakesh level = archer for more than a year.

- Short distance competition for Kepazekesh shooters* only.
- 7 rounds of 9 arrows
- Puta target at 18m for both genders
- Arrow shot inside puta and/or cutting the line counted as 1 point
- Arrow shot inside the top circle and/or cutting the line counted as 3 points
*Kepazekesh archers and/or equivalent are permitted to compete at a higher level if they wish to do so. However, they are disallowed from moving divisions mid competition

- Long distance competition for Torbakesh and Kepazekesh shooters*.
- 7 rounds of 9 arrows.
- Puta target at 60m for females, 70m for males
- Arrow shot inside puta and/or cutting the line counted as 1 point
- Top 8 qualify for a shoot off to determine placing
- In the event of a tie, scoring will be determined by closest arrow to and/or most arrows inside lower circle
*Torbakesh and Putakesh archers and/or equivalent are not permitted to compete at a lower level.